Fear, Failure, and Favor

Audio File: 7-7-19FaithFailureFavor.m4a (40.99MB)

So many of us have been living our lives full of fear, scared of failures real and imagined. Past failures continue to morph into current and future failures haunting our every waking moment. Pastor Ware is here to share with us that this is not the way that the Lord wants us to live. Pastor Ware will discuss with us the role that the Lord's favor plays in our ability to learn from our failures and overcome fear.    

The Call To Praise the Lord

Audio File: 6-23-19TheCalltoPraisetheLord.m4a (31.37MB)

No matter the clouds or the rain, the earthquakes or the pain, God is worthy of the praise. Pastor Ware shares why we should answer the call to praise the Lord.

Jesus Cares

Audio File: 6-9-19JesusCares.m4a (52.17MB)

Have you ever had a certain day where circumstances just would not work out for you? A certain day that left you asking, "Lord, do you care that I perish?" If that has happened to you, Pastor Ware is here to tell you not only that Jesus does care but how he cares for you. 

Pressing Through the Hard Times

Audio File: 6-2-19PressingThroughtheHardTim.m4a (43.84MB)

Have Faith in God

Audio File: 5-19-19HaveFaithinGod.m4a (46.67MB)

A Mother's Love

Audio File: 5-12-19AMothersLove.m4a (39.68MB)

A mother's love is a very special unique type of love.

Why Go to the Buffet to Nibble

Audio File: 4-28-19WhyGotoaBuffettoNibble.m4a (38.34MB)

Are You missing out on the purpose, blessings, and guidance that God has for you? You are if you don't fully partake of all that God has prepared for you through the Chruch and the Word.  

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The Barnabas Experience - Praising in Difficult Times 3/25/20

The Barnabas Experience

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